Tuesday, July 11, 2017

This Is It

Temporal space
A warp -

Then the weft
By choice and action

The shifting here and now
Into a multi-layered tapestry

Joining other myriad, multitudinous threads
Linked in fantastic patterns (possibilities?)

With just a map, self-made
That tells me - You are here

Sunday, November 30, 2014


she watches the world
slowly fade around the edges
from the way she'd last thought
of it in shape and form
its just a constant drone in the head now
drowning out thought
a lot, a lot of the same
people voices conversations invarying
recast in different games
played over and over again
time is frozen but gone so fast

and figures.. a good bracing walk should cure it

Friday, November 28, 2014


give me something
that catches my eye
makes my heart beat
that little bit faster
makes me want

to reach out
put it all in
give it all i've got
just to see
if it is really possible

can be real
a wish
a want
an urge
to do

they say there's a world
out there
beyond this cocoon

and the here and now
to make a choice

outside of the given

but maybe its time
to go out and play
own the game
and keep moving

Monday, September 15, 2014

The Old Guava Tree

It stood against the garden wall
Cutting off the empty plot next door
Pale brown, speckled with white
Light green leaves, darker green fruit
Brightening as they grew to ripeness

I learnt to climb on that tree
(My mother led the way!)
One foot on the truncated arm
Of the neigbouring custard apple
The scramble on to the ever flaking grey perimeter
Then finally atop its convenient branch 
To sit, to lean, to read
To peer out at the lane outside 
Gulmohar shaded, mostly quiet
But for the light bustle of the evening

Its gone now, but evergreen
The stuff of memories, familiarity, home
Even under the canopy of mango leaves
Dripping with rain
Years away in the monsoon forest

Sunday, November 20, 2011

baarish, chai aur gaana!

Grey skies across the highway
Dotted with scurrying cars in sharp relief
Veering off into lanes bordered with trees
With a chance to slow down
And gaze into the newly washed bursting green

A piping hot cup of tea
To warm the cockles of your heart ;)
Watching people hurrying under umbrellas
Going past on the way to work
Or revelling in the drizzle with covered heads

Turning up the music to let
The sounds of joy, faith and a little introspection
Resonate with their boundless energy (and some hope!!!)
For the day ahead

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

An Afternoon

All geared up
Wound up in anticipation
Climbing onto the jungle jeeps
In their earthy hues

Standing tall on the metal frames
An unimpeded view all around
Jolting on the roads
Then suddenly off

On forest trails
Undulating through the trees
Banked by termite mounds
Through the grassy flats
And monsoon river

Sedate langurs strike a pose
Green wings, yellow beaks, red chests
Flutter at the tips of the tall grass

A lazy monitor lizard or two
Taking only moments to size up the invasion
Amble across the uneven ground

A mongoose scampers past
As we stop to measure its progress
Disappearing into the undergrowth

Then – the guide points out
To the lumbering passage of
The other uncrowned king of the jungle
Making his heavy way to the water hole
Our presence sensed; he walks this way
Trunk up high with a deep warning rumble

Satisfied, he carries on
Washing, blowing dust onto broad grey back
Claiming his surroundings with inherent majesty

Tired, making our way back
A pug mark – sign of the elusive tigress!
Parked in silence with bated breath
Willing her to make an appearance
Almost giving up and in an instant
She goes past – a flash!
Seen by only two of us but a tale for the rest

Tall eucalyptus and exploding lantana – soon to be gone
Strutting pheasant and quail
A tortoise camouflaged against rocks on a dry riverbed
The paradise flycatcher’s unmatched tail in flight
Complete the collage of an afternoon
Where life carries on in a timeless cycle

Uninspired Musings

The age of technology
Tools in the hands of idiots
Creativity to obviate effort

The age of enlightenment
Self awareness against relationships in flux
Coloured balls smashing on a green table

The age of communication
Strangers selling, selling, selling
The new corporate identity

Humanity tipping the balance of all existence
With the need for more, more, MORE
The Cornucopians and Malthusians battle on